Thursday, January 15, 2009

Opportunities after deployment

We have had some really next opportunities since Steve's been home to talk about his deployment.

Steve and I were able to give a briefing to cadets and faculty about life as a family and being deployed. It was so great to talk to everyone about not just Steve's experiences but about family life when a spouse/dad is deployed.
Steve was asked to speak at a patriotic church meeting that our local stake did a few mos after he returned. He did an amazing job.

In January I was asked to do a radio interview. I was asked several questions about life as military spouse and mom. I had never done anything like that before. I was so intimidated before I got to the studio because I had no idea what to expect. But once I got there and I spent sometime talking to the host, I felt more at ease and realized I just needed to be myself and speak from my heart. I hope that I was able to shed light on military life as a family and getting through a deployment the best one can!

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