Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Denied Blog

I have been denying my blog. Not that I have wanted to. The thought of blogging has crossed my mind more than once each day, but for some reason I have felt like Adult ADHD has set in and sitting down to blog has seemed impossible. So I am letting the dishes sit in the sink and the laundry go unfolded for now so I can catch up on JoJo's MoJo for my own peace of mind!

"Back to school" came at a great time for our household. This year I was ready, unlike other years. The kids were driving me and each other crazy. At one point I made Preston and Taylor hold hands while they were in time out. You notice that PJ"s were still on, they started early that morning!

Part of the reason they were at each other so much was the fact that it rained constantly and even dropped into the 40's one day. Dealing with wet clothes was a lot easier than dealing with unhappy kids, so they played in the rain on more than one occasion.

And despite being couped up for a few days, the rain did make everything green and beautiful. We decided to freeze our raspberries for when Steve gets home, raspberry shakes are his favorite.

When Liz and her family were here we drove up to Mt Evans, the highest paved road in the US. I was freaked out the entire time. I really didn't know what I was getting myself into and there was NO turning back. We had to take 2 cars so I drove my car and I will never do it again! This is the type of driving I leave up to Steve and I sit in the passenger seat with my eyes closed.

We had a great time with Louis, Liz and their kids. Louis even watched all the kids one night while Liz and I went out. And I'm not saying we got the kids ready for the evening and then went out. He did the whole evening routine and didn't complain AT ALL. I told Liz she better make it up to him! They were here for almost a week and we got to do a lot of fun things together, including seeing Dark Knight, totally loved the movie. I think I was the saddest when they left. I really miss her!

Olympics! Need I say more!

Ashley took Preston up to the Academy to Matt's football practice. How old is your youngest sister Ashley and are you opposed to arranged marriages?

She'll be loving this year's school pictures 15 yrs from now!

Taylor discovered how to catch bugs, needle nose pliers!

Mason has been hanging out with me!

Jen was my roommate and best friend in college. I was so happy when she called to tell me she was coming out! We had a great time together, as always. She is so much fun and of course it's always fun to reminisce about our crazy college days at Long Beach State! YIKES!

My girlfriend and I took our boys to the park last week. They both love trains and if you look closely you can see the train in the background. Despite them putting their hands over their ears and hiding in the play tunnel when the trains came by, it was a fun afternoon. But the highlight was when this guy rode his bike up to the picnic table and put his hand on Sherrelyn's purse. My instincts kicked in and I yelled out "Hey, get your hands off of there" and started quickly over to the table. He took his hands off and walked away. That'll be one of those stories we'll be laughing about 20 yrs from now!

I went to Salt Lake City this past weekend to see my awesome sister and her family. The best part, I went WITHOUT my kids! How did I do that? For Mother's Day Steve got me a babysitter so I could get away for a weekend. I decided to use it BEFORE he got home, I'd hate for such a great gift to go to waste. I had the BEST time and it was just what I needed. I even took a 3 hr nap on Saturday (the first in 6 mos) and slept in until 9:45 am Sunday morning with no interruptions!! It was FABULOUS! Need I say more!

Oh, oh, oh, how can I forget................ I finished Breaking Dawn last week. LOVED IT! LOVED IT! LOVED IT! Totally happy with the ending. Can't wait for November 21st! It's already on my calendar. Thank you Audrey for getting me hooked last year and thank you Cory for convincing me that we needed to go to the BYU bookstore


Gene and Susie said...

Great blog, Jodie. I'm in denial, too. I need to get my thoughts together so I what I write makes sense. We took over 400 pictures - quite a task to go trough, weed out the duplicates, too dark, too light, etc. But when I do - I'll post! Kisses to our grandies. Love Dad and Mom

The Horvath Crew said...

I am so in Denial! We have been crazy busy and every time I want to post my mind goes blank and I just walk away from the computer hoping something will come to me. Well is hasn't happened yet! Sounds like you had fun wiht your sister. Love the blog. We need to talk I am having jodie withdrawals :) I got so used to talking with you.

Kerr Family said...

Wow, yet another busy, busy week. I don't know how you do it. You must have great stamina. Glad you were able to take a little break and visit Becky. We've been thinking about you guys lately. Love you!

Bingy's blog said...

You guys are so gorgeous!! Can't wait to see you all again, am counting the days to moving back. Only about 9 months

Tobi said...

I'm so glad you finished Breaking Dawn and that you loved it. I loved it too and I didn't understand all the people who hated it. Weird.

Your kids are so beautiful! Thanks for posting all the cuteness for everyone to see!

Rachael said...

I love the pics Jodie! Could you guys be any cuter??? It sounds like your summer end was going at a similar speed as ours!