Saturday, August 2, 2008

Liz is one of my dearest friends. We met while in high school, although we didn't go to the same school. Our boyfriends (at the time) were best friends. We always say that the reason for going out with them was so we could meet each other! Fast forward 14 years!

She and her family arrived last night. That includes her totally cool hubby Louis, who my kids think is the greatest because he does these crazy twisty flips on the trampoline and lets them call him Uncle Iris (don't ask), and their 4 ADORABLE kiddos ages 5, 4, 2 and 2 mos! Today we decided to take in a little bit of Denver, kid style of course.

We went to the Denver Aquarium

Where the kids acted like the animal in the background
(but in a good, at least they were somewhat obedient, kind of way)

Afterwards, we were starving and knew the only yummy sit-down-restaurant to eat at, with a bunch of crazy kids, would have to be

The music was louder than the kids, hard to believe........ it was great!
The adults got to talk, sing and eat a hot meal
The kids even requested that us adults stop singing, and our reply
"What did you say?"
The best rock-out song of the night had to have been... Queen's - Bohemian Rhapsody

We even encouraged our 2 yr olds to kiss
And yes that is an orange in his mouth and she has one too!

And our girls entertained us with their dance moves

After rock-in out at dinner, we walked around the downtown area.
One man said to us "You guys have a lot of kids." I said "Yeah, he's the dad and we're his wives. Between the 2 of us we have 7 kids." The man just stared at us. He finally could speak again after I told him I was kidding. Poor guy

We stopped and listened to a few of the entertainers on the street and then told the kids they could make some money by putting out their "hard rock" cups and dancing.
We were kidding but the girls thought it was the coolest idea ever...... dancing for money....who would have ever thought of such a great idea???
We encouraged that too (for the sake of a good laugh and picture)
So they did and as you can see, they even made the man in the background smile.

After a few pictures, we quickly bribed them to stop with the promise of a quarter each when we got home.
It was a great day and put it this way, we'll all be sleeping well tonight.


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys had a great time. I hope the kids let you sleep in! -- Steve

Gene and Susie said...

I wish I had been there. You know how I like to be in the middle of everything!!! Kisses to both families.

Tobi said...

I feel dorky saying this but I have already finished reading Breaking Dawn. I loved it! However I refuse to say anything else because I don't want to spoil it for you or anyone else.

I'm so jealous that you live in Colorado and get to go to LODO whenever you want. I miss Denver.

Elyse said...

Looks like a GREAT time! I agree with Tobi-I am jelious that you live in Denver!

Kerr Family said...

There is nothing better than good friends. Looks like you guys had fun. Would have loved to see the kids entertaining for change!