Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Birthday

Not to me, not to my husband or my kids.... but to our BLOG! To celebrate, I am finally updating on the past 3 months!

I have to say that when Steve was gone in Iraq, I seemed to be more on top of things, more organized, more together!! I loved having time to sit and blog and write about what was happening in our lives. It was almost a form of therapy, taking time to myself to do something I really enjoyed. But since he's been home, life seemed to go from 0-100 real fast. It didn't help that October-December is the busiest time of the year for our family. But we've had anything but a routine the past 3 months. I don't know about any of you, but I thrive on routine. My kids thrive on routine. So not having a routine, I have felt like a crazy woman. Transitioning from a deployment is not an easy task to undertake!

So tonight I am taking time to myself and am excited to finally post about my girl's week in Virginia...... read below


The Dragonfly said...

Good - because we've missed you!

Mamasita said...

Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How funny.
It has been WAY to long! Is is crazy to see you and Steve with a family! You are all gorgeous!

Gene and Susie said...

Good to read the new news. Pictures of my Grandies???? HM?